Survey on Teacher Stress

The Ask:   CEA has discussed and approved the idea of doing what we can to promote teacher participation in an independent research survey on test stress.  Although the survey is being conducted in numerous states, the group of researchers has been working with CEA to provide CT specific information that we can present, use, and rely upon by our representatives serving on the State Mastery Examination Committee, namely Don Williams and Marcia Ferreira.
Please encourage our members to go to:
Survey TitleTeacher Well-being, Instructional Practices, and High-Stakes Testing
Brief Description: The purpose of this study is to understand the impact that State Achievement Tests and recent changes to Curricular Standards have had on teachers, students, and schools. Your participation is very important to help policymakers, administrators, and educators understand the influence of these policies on teacher well-being and instructional practice, ultimately leading to enhanced school climate and improved student outcomes.

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We are the official page of the West Hartford Education Association, in West Hartford, CT.
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